Why The space ape society?

Space - Treasury We want to create a space where we can support upcoming artists to showcase their work and apply for grants from the treasury community. We want our community to empower more creative people with the ability to produce their own work and take their skills to the next level. Alpha - Networking - Benefits  Education and guidance will be offered by the TSAT team on new projects in the crypto space, we will help educate our people in making good fundamental choices before opting into any project.

What is the swap shop?

The swap shop is a feature we have designed for OG holders and anyone which holds more than four TSAS NFTs, you will have the ability to trade two non desirable nfts for one from the swap shop which could be more desirable

Partnership and onboard projects and artists?

At TSAS we are massive advocates of prompting and supporting new artist, we have put our heads together and come up with an idea for people in our community to propose your own project, through our TSAS application form which will be reviewed by the treasury council, this will support the vetting process and drive better artist to the Cosmos community.

How does the treasury benefit from onboard new projects?

With each project we endorse or support the treasury will own a small percentage of the upcoming project from mint and secondary sales, this will be one of our revenue streams the treasury will benefit from, the funds will be reinvested back into the community.

Proposal/ Grants and applications - How will it work?

Grants and applications will be submitted to the treasury for approval. We will vote on what we think as a community will be our next team project, this will give ownership to every community member to ensure the project has a successful launch.

Share The Spoils

We will look to organize a voting system on what we believe will be the best way to share our rewards with the treasury community. We may opt to share the profits over a two stage or quarterly process, so we keep the benefits flowing for the community. in the way of NFTs A portion of the Mint will be going to yield barring protocols and Defi as we would like to grow the funds in our treasury to help support more grants and purchase more nfts for the treasury.

When Mint?

We will be opening our mint on the 27th June 12pm EST for WL and 2pm EST for public.

What is the cost?

777 $Stars you will need $star tokens to mint on the stargaze platform